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Handwriting device that is absolutely unique startup

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ever wonder about those childhood days where all your notes, homework and even imaginations were recorded on a paper with a pencil, we all go through these nostalgic feelings at some point in our life time. But this is the age of the digital touch where all our data is stored in digital form on our smart phones or tablets and as we know all these devices have a digital footprint. The smart phone and the tablet has been so deeply entrenched in our day-to-day affairs that they have almost become an extension of our body.

For those people who had notepads before to record or write down important notes from their days, these notepads have been replaced by digital tablets. Still if someone obviously wants to make use of the latest technology of the tablets but yearns for simple paper and pencil to make full use of his thoughts, and for those people exactly this is where Noteslate comes in.

Noteslate exterior

What is Noteslate?

First thing you need to know about Noteslate is that it is absolutely unique. Its uniqueness comes from the fact that it has a handwriting interface. The slate is basically used as a paper extension with you being provided with a pencil and this is it. You have the pencil and the slate acts as your paper, it is up to you then what world you want to create on the slate.  Noteslate is something which is designed in such a simple way and yet feels like so innovative. Noteslate is a Monochrome paper alike tablet device which allows you to create anything you want, like you used to do on a paper with a pen in hand.

It can not only be used for reading your PDF files or E-books on its high resolution display but you can create stuff on it as well like draw or write notes on top of the text, like  you used to do on hard copies of any books. It will give you personal freedom to draw your expressions any way you like it, on an electronic interface. This scale of the freedom provided for personal communication is truly unique.

Freedom Yourself with Handwriting Device

With Noteslate you create the interface you want on your tablet according to your thinking, nationality or culture. This is not a tablet where you are given a list of computer interfaces to choose from. The biggest advantage of owning Noteslate would be the freedom you would have in expressing your creative knowledge through not some digitally provided click but with your own hand through your own pencil. Noteslate has extremely efficient battery consumption with one charge lasting up to 3 weeks. Isn’t that incredible? Moreover, it is light weight and so handy to use that you can carry it anywhere you want. As already mentioned you can use it up to three days straight anywhere, in queue for rental car, or just sitting in taxi cab or in rental car queue. Noteslate exterior

Some Technical Aspects of Noteslate

  • This monochromic electronic paper has a 6.8 inch resolution large display and is readable in sunlight.
  • The interface has a paper similar feel because of the matte rugged surface.
  • The slate uses a pencil for simple interface along with the standard finger touch.
  • In order to provide the user with the ability for precise writing or drawing, the Noteslate has a pressure sensitive stylus feature.
  • The body is magnesium hence providing with all the qualities of a high end tablet like durability and being light weight.

How to order this Handwriting Device

Stay tuned with project on official website of Noteslate

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